One of the most beneficial features of the CDT programme is that it's multi-dimensional. Dr Carlton Shepherd
From the training sessions in the first year, to the various industrial presentations and visits throughout, I found it invaluable to be exposed to a wide variety of areas within information security. Studying alongside peers focussed on a diverse set of interests---cryptography, systems security, programming language security, geopolitics and many others---provided an endless source of interesting discussions and viewpoints that, I believe, wouldn't have been available elsewhere. Another major benefit of the CDT, in hindsight, is the opportunity and, indeed, expectation to present one's work regularly, whether it be at the CDT Showcases, internal student seminars, or external events, such as conferences. Learning to shape presentations to diverse audiences has been invaluable following the conclusion of my PhD, where I have been required to present to a machine-learning expert one week and the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) the next. Frankly, I found presentations to be nerv...