
Showing posts from December, 2020

David Lindsay Prize and Linux Security: Giuseppe Raffa

 As those who attended the recent (December 2020) online Hewlett Packard Colloquium event at Royal Holloway already know, I had the great privilege of being awarded the David Lindsay prize for my Information Security MSc thesis, which I completed at RHUL last summer. As I begin my PhD studies at the Royal Holloway CDT, I must confess that I am honoured and this prestigious award is undoubtedly a wonderful encouragement for the future. Before saying a little bit more about the motivation and the challenges of my project, I feel that I have once again to express my gratitude to Dr Daniele Sgandurra, who was my supervisor and constantly supported me with invaluable comments and suggestions. My MSc thesis was focused on testing Linux-compatible anti-virus (AV) solutions available for desktop computers. This topic attracted my attention a long time ago when I realized that many Linux users consider AVs unnecessary , arguing that this operating system is “malware-free”. A more in-depth ...