PhD Research and Write-Up During COVID-19: Georgia Crossland
In this short piece I will discuss my PhD journey during COVID-19, highlighting some of the issues I faced, how I overcame these and providing recommendations to help others in the same position. Of course, first and foremost, the COVID-19 crisis is a global health crisis, and people have been put in much worse situations than their PhD research being delayed. I was fortunate that the EPSRC granted me an extension for my research, a great benefit that was not extended to many other PhD students from different disciplines. However, social distancing has been essential to minimise the spread of COVID and for many researchers this represented, and still does, a change in fieldwork methods, write-up strategy, as well as changing the way we interact with our cohort and supervisors. 1) Field Work When we went into the first lockdown in March 2020, I had just found an organisation (a global law firm) willing to let me conduct my research with their employees. The plan was to spend ...