Real World Crypto Review: Mikaela Brough & Wrenna Robson
From March 27-29, some of the CDT’s researchers had the opportunity to attend Real World Crypto (RWC) 2023 . RWC moves venue every year, last year being in Amsterdam and next year in Toronto. This year, it was in Tokyo. RWC is focused on bringing together cryptography researchers from academia with developers who implement cryptography in their systems, thus creating open and interesting dialogue between these two communities. Notably, RWC does not publish proceedings from presentations, and talks are solely selected based on how much interest they would be to the intended audience. The talk selection process is not intended to evaluate the academic quality of a piece of research, but rather the potential impact that it would have on society or technology. Therefore, the collection of contributed and invited talks were particularly engaging, with the findings of the different studies having immense current and future impact in the real world. Many of us in the CDT had an interest ...