Cycon 2024: Oisın Phillips

From the 28th to 31st of May, a number of CDT researchers attended the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence conference on Cyber Conflict (Cycon). The conference took place in Estonia’s capital city of Tallinn, providing an excellent setting for understanding the current state and thinking of cyber conflict discussion. This year's theme was “Over the Horizon” as discussions centered around the future cyber conflict, and is sure to be beneficial in next year’s theme: “The Next Steps”. Talks ranged from Technical, Legal, and Strategic. The conference “Day 0” event was a day to enjoy workshops, including one workshop conducted by Dr Michael P. Fischerkeller, Dr Emily Goldman, and Prof Richard Harknett for the purpose of establishing a proactive cyber operational element into NATO. Other events on this day included a workshop incorporating tabletop game design into cyber election interference, discussions of AI, and the use of cyber capabilities in the ongoing war in Ukra...