Deception Detection Technology: Elle Pearson

First year student Elle Pearson participated in an online poster competition during the Royal Holloway Annual Doctoral Conference on 10 and 11 June. Elle was placed fourth and received an honourable mention for her poster. You can view the poster and the accompanying short essay below. “I’m fine” is likely the most common lie you hear as people tend to lie the most about how they feel (DePaulo & Kashy, 1998). Lying and deception is too nuanced to claim that it is simply ‘bad’ and shouldn’t be done, it is a complex human trait and behaviour, with children beginning to lie from the age of two (Talwar & Lee, 2008). Of course people lie for nefarious reasons, but people also lie for good-hearted reasons or to protect themselves, either psychologically or from a situational danger (DePaulo, 2004). Some research also points to deception and lying being an evolutionary trait that allows humans to work together cooperatively (McNally & Jackson, 2013). Humans have alwa...