Asiacrypt 2023 in Guangzhou: Simon Pohmann
This year’s Asiacrypt took place from 4th to 8th December in Guangzhou, China. Many of the presented works contained fascinating ideas, and I also really enjoyed many of the talks that were outside of my research area, homomorphic encryption. For example, the work of [CMT23] proposed an attack on Goppa codes based on fascinating ideas from computational algebraic geometry. Another cool work containing cryptanalysis is [WW23], who presented a potential, very insightful break of the k-R-ISIS assumption in addition to their construction of functional commitments. The session on HE contained four talks, including our talk on using Galois automor-phisms for faster bootstrapping [OPP23]. Afterwards, Zeyu Liu presented their work on bootstrapping [LW23]. It was really nice to finally meet him and his coauthor Yunhao Wang, as we had already exchanged emails before. The other talks on HE proposed a way to compress rotation/Galois keys using a hierarchical structure [Lee+22] and improvements to ...